Ciserón Bautista. Honduras
Artista expositor llega por primera vez a París con Arte al Paso Gallery, tuvimos el honor de ver expresada su genialidad en las exposiciones: París 2021 “Traverser ton miroir” «A través de tu espejo» y VIVE Molière 2022
It is up to the artist to make us participate in his affection, through a work that surprises the world with incisive questions, perceptible desires and continuous hopes. This is what Ciseron Bautista expresses in his painting for a long time, without relying on any academic rationale that could avoid the progeny of the image.
It is evident that Ciseron entrusts his production to the net legacy of modernism, by fixing his action in the
painting of gestures, in whose field he finds that the most decisive thing is to turn emotions into naked and
frank figures. And it is that without specifying the night, the rain, the sun or the moon, or with them openly
summoned, his work embodies a changing human being, suffered sometimes, numbed others and passionate much more times. That said, I recognize that its theme suggests another important idea: that all artistic prac-
tices, if they wish to earn the respect of the free spectator, must be faithful to the murmur of everyday life, avoiding all intellectual suspicion about the natural value of the ephemeral and the recurring Painting is also daily, without master plans or precise goals. This is the most natural way to become and be a true painter, anywhere in the world. And this is what Ciseron managed to understand for more than twenty-five years, making his “ciserones” pass from the gloom to the wonderful light of day, with the additional joy that we can now see them in the most important private collections of his country. The truth is that his painter battle has happened in the workshop, exploring the line and color constantly; and outside, serving people with their numerous images.
These positive consequences must be discovered in the fact that Ciseron always shunned from the complex
pictorial formulations and the unfathomable vericuets, preferring instead simplicity, with a gesture that, before being an abstraction, has wanted to turn it into figures of loneliness, tenderness , love or murmur. This first exhibition of Ciseron Bautista in New York is, without a doubt, a tribute to every humble walk, although of course with the desire to expose himself to the most universal community.
Ramón Antonio Caballero ● September 2019